
Dalsie Baniala, Head of Pacific, Envision Associates

Dalsie Baniala, Head of Pacific, Envision Associates

Dalsie G. Baniala Tolang is the former Vanuatu Telecommunications Regulator, currently providing Telecommunications Regulatory and ICT related policy advisory functions to the Government of Palau through the Bureau of Communications and the Government of Nauru through the Nauru Communications Authority (NCA).
She is also engaged by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to work with the team from the office of the Government Chief Information Officer to coordinate the South Malekula Smart Island Project, and assisted with the consultation and development of Vanuatu’s national Digital Government roadmap.
With more other hats on, she is served as the member of the Asia Pacific regional Internet Governance Forum. She is one that has a lot of passion on e-commerce and e-public services and wishes to see more happening in these two areas for citizens of Vanuatu outside Port Vila and Luganvile.
Outside Port Vila, she is currently assisting the Maewo Island Council of Chiefs on their project “Battery and Plastic Free Maewo Island” – a project which also has a link to ICT development.


12 April 2024



This Year's Theme

Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development

Building a sustainable future demands innovative thinking and action, especially in the digital world.


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Efate, Shefa Province

(+678) 33380


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