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Government Partners with SANMA & Luganville Authorities for 2021 National ICT Days event

Government Partners with SANMA & Luganville Authorities for 2021 National ICT Days event

Stakeholders and business houses in Luganville and SANMA Province, welcomed and confirmed their firm support and commitment for the coming 2021 National ICT Days, to be held at Unity Park (La Place)

in King’s town, Luganville, Santo, SANMA Province on the 17th and 18th May 2021.

During its second awareness visit in March in Luganville, the National Coordination Committee had successful meetings with leaders of organisations within the Luganville and Sanma communities, senior officials from different Government institutions, General Managers and Chief Executive Officers from different semi Public and Private institutions in Luganville.

The main message of the visit was based on this year’s theme “Accelerating Digital Transformation in challenging times”.

Based on the theme, this year we will be introducing for the first time a Digital Innovation Pitching session divided into three (3) categories - service sector, productive sector and financial sector. It is an opportunity for service providers to pitch their digital innovative solutions as well as promote and create greater visibility of their solutions.

The Digital Innovation Pitching session will be judged by a panel of judges and also we will give the opportunity to the audience to vote. The results of the vote will assist the judges in their decision for the awards.

The whole idea between the Digital Innovation Pitching session is to increase promotion and visibility of the innovative solutions that are available on the market and it will be the only time where service providers will be given the opportunity to pitch their solutions against each other to the same audience and give the audience to provide their views and feedback. It is hoped that this will be an opportunity to convince more people and increase usage of those innovative solutions and take their business into another level.

A tentative program has been prepared and will be made available once approved.

The visit also took the committee to visit some of the SANMA Area administrators, to share and explain the event and also to have their support to make the event a memorable one hosted and owned by citizens of Luganville and SANMA Province. The committee also visited schools in the rural areas in the East Coast of Santo, and as far as Fanafo and South Santo.

To show their strong commitment and engagement, the SANMA Provincial Government through Secretary General Albert Ruddley, invited the National Coordination Committee to attend this month’s Provincial Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) meeting that is scheduled for Thursday 1st April 2021 at their Headquarter. The meetings gathered all the stakeholders, who will have the opportunity to hear a presentation from the Committee on the coming ICT Days event in Luganville.

The committee also met with Member of Parliament of Luganville Constituency, former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Livestock and Bio-secuirty, Hon. Matai Seremaiah.

Hon. MP Seremaiah thanked the Government for taking the 2021 National ICT Days to his Constituency and assured the Committee that as a responsible leader to his people, he does not see why he would not consider nor support the event. “They event is for my people and it is an opportunity for musicians and artists from the North to show case their talents and skills” MP Seremaiah said.

The National Coordination Committee planned to meet with all Members of Parliament of Luganville, Santo Rural and Malo/Aore Constituency in soliciting for support towards the 2021 National ICT Days event to be hosted in King’s town Luganville, Santo, Sanma Province from the 17th to the 18th of May 2021. This second visit ended on 1st April 2021.

The National Coordination Committee takes this opportunity to thank Luganville Municipality, SANMA Provincial Government, and every stakeholders, and business houses and schools, for their welcome and support.

This Year's Theme

Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development

Building a sustainable future demands innovative thinking and action, especially in the digital world.


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Efate, Shefa Province

(+678) 33380

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